By Beloved Sis. GENEVIEVE A. ULAO — Purok 7, San Luis Ext. Baguio City, Philippines
Posted on 19 Mar 2004
I was saved through the sicknesses I had that made me search for the Whole Truth. I have been to different congregations such as Assembly of God and Free Believers but did not find what I was looking for. I searched all over including ministries that had radio broadcasting services and there I got glued to a radio program, the JESUS Miracle Hour, where they had daily living testimonies of common people like me about the Blessings they had received from GOD like Healing of the sick and Protection from impending danger. One afternoon, I had a heart attack and I remembered all the testimonies that I heard on the radio which made me decide to look for the meeting place of the brethren of the JESUS Miracle Crusade International Ministry and attend their services. Since there were no services that day, a husband-and-wife neighbor and were members of this church took us to the Pastoral House to seek Spiritual Counselling and there without doubt received baptism in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. From then on, all my sicknesses were gradually being healed; I had heart disease, Bronchopneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection, Migraine and back pain. My husband and I were changed from then on, too. We used to be gamblers, alcohol drinkers, engaged in rumor mongering and were hot tempered but now, we have turned our backs to these vices. Thanks be to GOD and Praise His Holy Name!
December 29, 2009
15 years ago
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